Many businesses have one office, a central hub where all employees gather to do their work, chat around the water cooler, or grab lunch together. But there are also thousands of organizations that have multiple locations across multiple buildings, cities, and states. This can often make the role of gift-giving more of a challenge. GOOD NEWS! gThankYou offers complete mailing services if you need help with distribution of your gift certificates!

How Does Mass Mailing Gift Certificates Work?

If you can hand someone a gift certificate as a reward, show of recognition, or “just because” — that’s incredible! We love the personal touch of a thank you and handshake alongside a gift. But we also realize that’s not always possible. If you want to get gift certificates into the hands and home of your stakeholders, we can mail to individuals through the USPS or ship in bulk to many locations across the U.S.

gThankYou can handle any type of distribution a customer may need. If you have a disparate workforce, we work closely with customers to plan how to mail gift certificates and gratitude cards for you! (read: less work; swift gift-giving, and more happiness!) Do you simply want your gift certificates inserted in envelopes and shipped bulk to one or many locations? Do you want each person to receive a special envelope in the mail? Whatever your scenario is (one office, multiple offices, remote employees), !

Mail Options

To help you stay engaged with team members far and wide, gThankYou Gift Certificates can be:

  • Mailed to individuals in homes or offices using the United States Postal Service (USPS): When you need to send gift certificates directly to individual recipients, we offer reliable USPS mailing services. Whether you’re distributing to employees, volunteers, board members, or other key recipients, this ensures that your certificates are delivered securely.
  • Conveniently bundled and delivered via UPS to any number of locations: This option is ideal for businesses that need distribution to various locations across the country. Bundled shipments are packaged for quick and easy distribution upon arrival. Tip: Let us know if you need expedited shipping or have special instructions.
  • Do you need special distribution and mailing services? Call us! If your distribution needs are complex or deserve some VIP treatment, we’re happy to help. Our team is prepared to assist you with shipping challenges and special mailing requests, ensuring every certificate reaches its destination seamlessly. But remember this: Contact us early for complex requests so we can handle your requests with care and get your certificates where they need to be on time.

Gift Distribution in 4 Steps

  1. Call 888-484-1658 to discuss the form of distribution, timelines, and type of gift certificates along with any other materials to include such as a personalized Gratitude Card; a gThankYou Recipient Letter that outlines how and where to best use a gThankYou gift certificate; or even your own uniquely crafted letter of gratitude!
  2. Email us a completed, pre-formatted mailing address spreadsheet with all recipient or location addresses. Individual mailings will be sent with First-Class postage through USPS. All addresses will be verified for accuracy and we will notify you of any undeliverable addresses, before they are sent.
  3. Share your logo with us to be used on gift certificates, gratitude cards, or even the envelope. (Optional)
  4. Approve your order. At this stage, you will review and approve all charges as well as the artwork and copy for your Gratitude Cards or envelope, (if used).

Learn More About gThankYou Certificates of Gratitude:


Mailboxes Photo by Philippe Murray-Pietsch on Unsplash

Mail Truck Photo by Diego De Alba on Unsplash

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Gift Certificates

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