Finances are tight in a lot of households. When considering how to show your gratitude, think about what could really make an impact — and saving someone money is always an acceptable gesture! Coupons as gifts are a great way to show your appreciation to employees, clients, and others. They can be used to save money on a variety of products and services, and they can be a fun and unexpected gift.
Coupons Work as Gifts for a Variety of Recipients
Here are a few ideas for using coupons as gifts:
Provide them to employees as a way of showing appreciation. You can either give them a set of coupons or give them a gift card or gift certificate that they can use at any store.
Send coupons as gifts to clients as a way of thanking them for their business. Pies are always a great “we appreciate your partnership” gift!
Give coupons as gifts to friends and family. Any grocery store that accepts manufacturer coupons has the ability to redeem gThankYou Certificates (check out our Store Locator here).
When choosing coupons as gifts, it is important to consider the interests of the recipient. For example, if you are rewarding employees, you might want to choose stores that sell food, clothes, electronics, or home goods. If you are giving client gifts, you might want to choose a less personal (but thoughtful) gift that is widely used and accepted.
Corporate Traditions
Giving coupons as gifts is a great way to start a new corporate tradition. It is a unique and thoughtful way to show your employees, clients, and other important people that you appreciate them.
Here are a few times when coupons as gifts works great:
Employee Appreciation Day: On Employee Appreciation Day, you can give all of your employees a set of coupons as gifts to their favorite stores. This is a great way to show your employees that you appreciate their hard work and dedication.
Client Appreciation Month: During Client Appreciation Month, you can send out coupons as gifts to your customers, clients and partners as a way of thanking them for their relationship.
Holiday Gift-Giving: During the holidays, you can give gift cards or certificates to their favorite stores. This is an especially great time to help people save money that they will inevitably be spending on others.
In our free calendar, there are ideas for all of these events — and much more! Download it free:
Manufacturer’s Coupons As Gifts
gThankYou gift certificates are treated like manufacturer coupons, just like those you cut from a Sunday flier, that can be redeemed at virtually any grocery chain store in the United States. Recipients can choose any brand of merchandise, any preparation, and shop when and where they want.
When giving manufacturer’s coupons as gifts, it is important to make sure that the recipient will actually be able to use them. Ask where they like to shop — or give a coupon that is widely accepted.
Employee Appreciation Coupons
Employee appreciation and gift coupons are a great way to show your employees that you appreciate their hard work and dedication. When choosing employee appreciation coupons, it is important to make sure that (1) they are valuable enough to be appreciated by your employees and (2) are easy to use.
When choosing coupons as gifts for employees you know well, it is also thoughtful to consider their interests. For example, if you have an employee who loves to cook, you might want to give them a gift certificate to a cooking class. Or, if you have an employee who loves to travel, you might want to give them a gift certificate to a travel site.
Regardless of the method, saving people money is widely appreciated. Coupons as gifts, gift cards and gift certificates are undoubtedly a safe bet for illustrating your gratitude.
Want to brainstorm a little further? Check out our Big List of Employee Appreciation Gift Ideas!
Learn More About gThankYou Certificates and Vouchers:
- Check out our Home Page
- See all our Gift Certificate Choices
- Learn more About gThankYou and FAQs
- See our FREE customizable Gratitude cards
- Reach us at 888-484-1658 or via
Top photo by Andre Taissin on Unsplash
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