The countdown is on to buy employee holiday gifts for Christmas


The Countdown Has Begun!

The holidays have a tendency to come like a freight train once the calendar flips over to the “BER” months. Be ahead of the game this year! As you prepare for your seasonal parties, activities, and year-end chaos, it’s possible to swiftly check off EMPLOYEE CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Based on our experience and recent conversations, we’ve rounded up a list of the best Christmas gifts to help you out.

Top 5 Employee Gifts for Christmas (or all winter holidays)


  • Experiences are likely to be used and enjoyed. Many people find that they have too much stuff, and they may not even use or enjoy some of the material gifts that they receive. However, experiences are something that people are more likely to use and enjoy, because they have something to look forward to and remember.
  • Experiences can help people try new things. Experience gifts providing an opportunity to try something new. This can be a great way for people to learn new things, grow as individuals, and make new memories.
  • Experiences can be shared or enjoyed alone. Many experiences are more enjoyable when shared with others, but some self-care experiences are the best treat imaginable. Giving someone a massage or facial gift certificate is a great way to help them relax and de-stress. Offering tickets to a concert or sporting event is a great way to help them spend quality with friends and family.


Food (or Gift Certificates for food!)Food is among the top employee gifts for Christmas

  • Universal. Everyone needs to eat, so food is a gift that everyone appreciates!
  • Thoughtful. When you give someone a gift of food, you are showing that you care about their well-being and that you have put thought into what they would enjoy.
  • Affordable. Food gifts can be very affordable. For example, you could put together a cookbook, grocery gift certificates, a refillable water bottle (or a bottle of wine), and reuseable shopping bag for a reasonable price — with the benefit of knowing how useful each item will be to recipients.



  • It shows that you care. When you give an employee Christmas gifts of time off to enjoy how they please over the holidays, you are offering the ultimate gift – time to relax, have fun, or recharge.
  • It is a gift that everyone can appreciate. No matter what someone’s interests are, they can always appreciate the gift of time. You can spend time with someone doing something that they enjoy, or you can simply spend time talking and getting to know them better, or even grant them alone time (ask around — it’s highly coveted!).
  • It is a win-win. By offering some time away from the “grind,” they often come back refreshed and appreciative, which is great for company morale.


Non-profit Donations

  • They are thoughtful and meaningful. When you donate to a nonprofit in someone’s name, you are showing them that you care about the causes that are important to them. It is a way to show your support for their values and to make a difference in the world together.
  • They allow for personalization. You can choose a nonprofit that is specific to the recipient’s interests and passions. For example, if the recipient is passionate about animal welfare, you could donate to a local animal shelter in their name. Or, if the recipient is passionate about education, you could donate to a scholarship fund in their name.
  • They are a feel-good gift. This is a gift that the recipient can truly feel great about, and the impact of the donation will make a lasting difference in the world.


High Quality Tech

  • They’re high value. Tech items at all price points have perceived value. While some families can afford multiple tech gadgets per person, some families cannot. Tech items that make life or work easier (or more enjoyable) are likely accepted with gratitude.
  • They’re coveted. It’s not likely that you’ll hand out the latest iPhones to each team member, but if you provide tech that’s changing the landscape of communication, is cutting-edge, or just “super cool,” people tend to respond with child-like happiness.
  • They’re fun! Whether it improves efficiency, allows for de-stressing, or encourages exercise, employee gifts for Christmas should bring about excitement reminiscent of Christmas morning by the tree.


Top 5 Christmas gifts for employees

Get started today!

What gifts match your budget and company culture?

What would provide a little “WOW” factor or a sigh of relief during a hectic time of year?

Call 888-484-1658 or peruse our Gift Certificate Choices. We can help make Christmas gift-giving a breeze.


Learn More About gThankYou Certificates of Gratitude


Advent Calendar Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash
Macaron Photo by Diliara Garifullina on Unsplash

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Gift Certificates

Learn More About gThankYou! Gift Certificates Download Our Free Guide Now!

How gThankYou Certificates Work

Step 1

Order Certificates

Choose the gThankYou Certificates you want and order them online or by telephone.

Step 2

Ship directly to your business

Your order is delivered by UPS. Nearly all orders ship the day received. Overnight shipping is available.

Step 3

Distribute to your employees

Personalize your gThankYou Certificates with Giver name or logo (both optional) and give them to employees.

Step 4

Redeem at any grocery store

Recipients redeem Certificates at major U.S. grocery stores and select the items they want.