You’re on Thanksgiving Turkey duty: it’s time for you and dozens of your relatives and friends to gather around the dining room table, stretched out to its full capacity for the most celebrated meal of the year –Thanksgiving. But, like a weary child from the backseat during a cross-country trip, one question nags at you: Are we there yet? Am I sure the turkey’s done?

gThankYou! Turkey in the Oven PhotoFor cooks who are afraid of disappointing all their aunts, uncles, and cousins on a national holiday, here is a quick list of tell-tale signs that your Thanksgiving turkey is ready for its grand entrance.

How do I know when the Thanksgiving turkey is ready?

It’s golden brown

The skin of the turkey often browns early in the baking process, so this alone won’t tell you it’s done, but it’s a delicious indicator that you’re getting closer.

It has baked for the recommended time, at the recommended temperature

This is one case when reading the directions will save all kinds of heartache (and tummy aches!). Your turkey likely came with specific instructions on thawing and cooking the bird.

It wiggles

When you gently pull on the end of the drumstick, the turkey leg will wiggle easily, with almost no resistance. If you have to force the drumstick away from the body of the bird, it’s not quite ready. Cutting into the turkey during cooking isn’t a great option, because you need to keep the heat and juices locked in, so this is a little better test.

The juices run clear

You’ve shaken hands with the Thanksgiving turkey, now it’s time to give it a poke. Insert a knife at least an inch into the breast. When you remove it, look for lovely turkey juices to come bubbling up. If they are clear, that meat is cooked. If they are cloudy or pink, it’s still got some time in the oven. (Remember to drain off all those wonderful juices after you remove the turkey from the pan – they are a great base for gravy!)

It’s feeling the heat

Some turkeys come with built-in “pop-up” thermometers, which should tell you when the internal temperature of the bird has reached 165°. Even if your Thanksgiving turkey has its own plastic gauge, it’s a good idea to invest in an instant-read meat thermometer, just to double-check. Insert the tip of the meat thermometer in the thigh muscle just above the lower part of the thighbone (but not touching the bone!). In about 15 seconds you’ll have a definitive answer.

And as anxious as everyone is to dig in, you’ll be even more thankful that you let the turkey rest for at least 20 minutes after you took it out of the oven. Set it on a heat-proof surface and drape it with a tent of aluminum foil, while you get all the accoutrements ready to serve. The Thanksgiving turkey will be juicier and also, easier to carve.

So now that you know it’s done. . .the only big question left is, “who’s going to do the dishes?”

Guide to buying, preparing and cooking turkey – free!

For a comprehensive resource on all things turkey, download our popular and free, “The Ultimate Guide to Thanksgiving Turkey”!

Inside this useful guide you’ll learn:

  • How to choose a turkey
  • Defrosting turkey and preparing the bird for cooking
  • Cooking tools needed for turkey
  • Ways to cook a whole turkey
  • Stuffing vs. dressing – what you need to know
  • How to make gravy
  • How to carve a turkey
  • How to store left-overs safely
  • Recipes and more!

Take the guess work out of serving a crowd-pleasing turkey centerpiece to your Thanksgiving or special meal. You’ll love the peace of mind and you’ll all enjoy a delicious meal together.

Download Ultimate Thanksgiving Turkey Guide Free from gThankYou

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