Support Gen Z in the workplace with employee thank you gifts

Every generation in the workplace appreciates employee thank you gifts, and Generation Z is no exception. In fact, showing appreciation is even more crucial to engaging these young people. Several characteristics are emerging in the generation born after 1997: they have high expectations, they’re practical, and they’re in a position to influence the workplace for years.

Giving thanks in the workplace is never about how much you give to your employees, rather the thought and effort put in to make them feels special. Generation Z gifts are no different. There are plenty of budget-friendly and effective ways to hand out employee thank you gifts.

What is Gen Z?

While some of the generational brackets are debated, the Pew Research Center states that Gen Z includes people born between 1997 – 2012.

Gen Z brings a lot of wonderful assets to the workplace, including:

  • Tech-savviness: These digital natives embrace technology, so capitalize on the opportunity to use tech to enhance communication, training, and workflows.
  • Work-life balance: Gen Z prioritizes wellbeing. Workplaces that offer flexible work arrangements, mental health resources, and benefits that support a healthy lifestyle fare well with this population.
  • Purpose & impact: They crave meaningful work. Highlight your company’s social responsibility efforts and how their role contributes to a larger goal. They have a heart for the environment and are driven to make positive change that will last.
  • Communication: Keep them informed! Use transparent communication and provide frequent feedback through channels they prefer, like mobile apps.
  • Diversity & inclusion: Gen Z values a welcoming environment. Foster a culture that celebrates differences and offers opportunities for everyone to thrive.

It’s also worth noting that Gen Z workers saw the effects of the Great Recession on their families at an impressionable age. According to social scientists who study generational patterns, experiencing the recession at a young age created a generation of young people with entrepreneurial spirit and a practical appreciation of pay, benefits and mentoring possibilities.

What does this mean for your company’s approach to employee appreciation and Generation Z gifts to say thank you? You’ll need a strong appreciation program to usher them into the workplace and keep them engaged.

Reinforce Gen Z Excellence with Employee Thank You GiftsAll generations love free food!

Employee thank you gifts aren’t just a nice thing to do once a year, they’re an important part of communicating appreciation and reinforcing gratitude. For young employees who may not have had the opportunity to hone basic on-the-job skills, gifts are great way to reward good work and encourage more of it.

For Generation Z, the challenge is not lack of enthusiasm. Young workers today are generally motivated, educated, and ready for meaningful work. That’s where positive reinforcement is key. Be sure they will feel like a valued member of the team and are engaged to achieve their best.

But let’s not ignore the simple fact that food speaks to people of all ages, and especially young adults!

Small tokens of gratitude, like $10 gift certificates for ice cream, sweet treats, fruits and vegetables or groceries (accompanied by a note of thanks) are easy Generation Z gifts to hand out for great work. On-the-spot recognition will resonate with young workers who’ve grown up with the instant feedback of social media.

Free Resource: Your Day-to-Day Employee Engagement Calendar

We all need inspiration to spread workplace gratitude daily. gThankYou’s Day-to-Day Employee Celebration Calendar gives you the tools and inspiration to build a culture of appreciation every day of the year.

FREE 2024 Day-To-Day Employee Engagement Calendar  



Learn More About gThankYou Certificates of Gratitude:

Top Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

Girl Snacking Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

Learn More About gThankYou!
Gift Certificates

Learn More About gThankYou! Gift Certificates Download Our Free Guide Now!

How gThankYou Certificates Work

Step 1

Order Certificates

Choose the gThankYou Certificates you want and order them online or by telephone.

Step 2

Ship directly to your business

Your order is delivered by UPS. Nearly all orders ship the day received. Overnight shipping is available.

Step 3

Distribute to your employees

Personalize your gThankYou Certificates with Giver name or logo (both optional) and give them to employees.

Step 4

Redeem at any grocery store

Recipients redeem Certificates at major U.S. grocery stores and select the items they want.